Burcu Aydoğan, Ph.D.
Department of Financial Mathematics
March 2021
Supervisor: Ömür Uğur (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Co-Supervisor: Ümit Aksoy (Department of Mathematics, Atılım University, Ankara)
Deniz Kenan Kılıç, Ph.D.
Department of Financial Mathematics
February 2021
Supervisor: Ömür Uğur (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Alper Ali Hekimoğlu, Ph.D.
Department of Financial Mathematics
December 2018
Supervisor: Ömür Uğur (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Co-Supervisor: Sevtap Kestel (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Abdulwahab Animoku, Ph.D.
Department of Financial Mathematics
September 2018
Supervisor: Ömür Uğur (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Cansu Evcin, Ph.D.
Department of Scientific Computing
September 2018
Supervisor: Ömür Uğur (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)