The scheduled seminars will be posted on this page; please visit the page occasionally.
Please keep in mind that upcoming talks might be postponed to some future time.
Also, all seminars will be ONLINE, unless otherwise is explicitly stated!
Scheduled Seminars
Functional Bilevel Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
by Michael N. Arbel
Causal Effect Estimation with Kernels
by Arthur Gretton
Probability Error Bounds for Approximation of Functions in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
by Aurelian Gheondea
Bridging Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Algorithmic Information Theory: Insights from Sparse Kernel Flows, Poincaré Normal Forms and PDE Simplification
by Boumediene Hamzi
Additional Resources:
- Recorded Video (Raw) -
Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems meet in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Part I
by Boumediene Hamzi
Kernel Methods: applications, promises and open issues
by Jean-Marc Mercier
Additional Resources:
- Presentation Slides - Recorded Video (Raw) - CodPy: a Python library for numerics, machine learning, and statistics -
Stochastic Processes and the RKHS
by Azize Hayfavi
Additional Resources:
- Stochastic Processes (Notes) -
Fundamental Properties of Reproducing Kernels and RKHSs
by Baver Okutmuştur
Additional Resources:
- Fundamental Properties of RKHS (Slides) - Theory of Reproducing Kernels and Applications -
Vectors, Matrices, Maps and the finite-dimensional RKHSs - Part III
by Ömür Uğur
Additional Resources:
- Orthogonal Projections (Slides) - Basics of RKHS (Slides) - Finite Dimensional RKHSs (Slides) -
A Brief Introduction to Hilbert Space Theory with RKHS in Mind - Part II
by Aydın Aytuna
A Brief Introduction to Hilbert Space Theory with RKHS in Mind
by Aydın Aytuna
Vectors, Matrices, Maps and the finite-dimensional RKHSs - Part II
by Ömür Uğur
Additional Resources:
- Orthogonal Projections (Slides) - Basics of RKHS (Slides) - Finite Dimensional RKHSs (Slides) -
Vectors, Matrices, Maps and the finite-dimensional RKHSs
by Ömür Uğur
Additional Resources:
- Orthogonal Projections (Slides) - Basics of RKHS (Slides) - Finite Dimensional RKHSs (Slides) -
Kernels and RKHS
by Bülent Karasözen